Join the experts!
We organize fascia treatment training for human and equine therapists using the FCB bar. In the training, we go through the areas of use of the FCB bar and teach different techniques for different areas. We go through the problems caused by people's different posture mistakes. In animals, we focus on fascial lines and their dysfunctions.
FCB Human
FCB Human training
We organize fascia treatment trainings based on the Fascia Copper Bar technique for massage therapists, physiotherapists and other professionals in the field. We also train FCB technology on the animal side.
We have developed an instrument that can effectively treat fascia. This form of treatment also facilitates the therapist's work by improving ergonomics and bringing faster treatment results.
In the training, we teach how to use the FCB instrument in nursing work. The shape of the FCB instrument makes it easy to follow the lines of the body, allowing the entire body to be treated easily and ergonomically.
In the training, we learn about the problem areas of the body and how they can be treated with the FCB technique.
The FCB bar is an excellent tool for e.g. in the restorative treatment of athletes, opening membrane tension and treating trigger points. The instrument also works as an excellent aid in massage. Using FCB technology, the treatment time is shortened and the treatment is more effective. Customers have found the treatment to be very pleasant.
The FCB technique is based on the manipulation of muscle membranes with the help of light friction without breaking the tissue. The instrument can also be used to treat deeper muscle groups.
€250 + VAT 24%
Max 12 participants
The price includes one FCB mod 3 instrument and one year's membership to the course pages.
Our course pages contain the written material used in the course, as well as treatment and technique videos.
The trainings are held in Vaasa.
Registration by
Binding registrations 14 days before the course date.
Markku Pätsi 0407189201
Kari Salmi 0505218713
Ilmoittauduthan mukaan seuraaville kursseillemme
Kurssi järjestetään Nurmaalla
Woikoski Feeling
Nurmaankyläntie 90, 52960 Nurmaa
Asiakaspalvelu / Custom Service +358(0)40 656 5981
FCB Equine training
The Fascia Copper Bar instrument for membrane treatment is an excellent aid for opening muscle membranes and muscles in horses. Due to its curved shape, the therapist's work is considerably lighter, and from the reactions of the animals, you can see that they also enjoy the treatment.
We have already trained several horse masseurs and animal physiotherapists in the FCB technique. The feedback from our trained therapists has been excellent.
Both Finnish and Swedish top crabs have been treated with FCB technology.
The feedback from the coaches has been inspiring:
"The business lanes have become wider."
"Movement disorders caused by the musculature have been cured in just one treatment."
"The results and feedback on the care of dressage horses and show jumping horses have also been excellent."
The number of grateful customers is growing all the time!
€250 + VAT 24%
Max 12 participants
The price includes one FCB mod 3 instrument and one year's membership to the course pages.
Our course pages contain the written material used in the course, as well as treatment and technique videos.
The trainings are held in Vaasa.
Registration by
Binding registrations 14 days before the course date.
Markku Pätsi 0407189201
Kari Salmi 0505218713
Fascia Copper Bar was founded by a massage therapistMarkku Pätsiand sports massagesKari Salmi.Together, we have developed an instrument that can be used to effectively treat fascia. This form of treatment also facilitates the therapist's work by improving ergonomics and bringing faster treatment results.